Have you ever had a vision, spent months planning and prepping to make it a reality, almost get there and realize that there was something you'd never considered--not in all your careful calculations--that was going to ruin your well-laid plans, keep on going, receive a mini-miracle from God & see your dream realized???

Well, that's kinda how this session went down. Alexis turned four in April. Our busy season started in April. Grandma arrived in April. Tons of family. Tons of sessions. Tons of work. No photo session for Alexis. :( No idea even for a photo session. Then bam, a brilliant idea. Unfortunately, this brilliant idea required a vintage pillowcase to make a dress. I searched for a vintage pillowcase without finding anything I liked or could afford. My mom, grandma, and I just happened to stop at a flea market in Eurkea Springs and found two (not vintage) but just about perfect pillowcases that weren't going to break the bank. A few late night sewing sessions later, & we're ready to go. Or so I thought.

Remember, how I told you we were busy? And that there was lots of family visiting? Well, fast forward one month. We're still busy, and there's more family visiting. Did I mention how busy we've been??? We're on the way to a family get together/impromptu photography session & decide to stop for 1/2 an hour on the way there. On the way to church, I'd spotted a great little cluster of wild flowers on the side of the road that would be perfect for our session. I hadn't counted on the highway department mowing the grass on the side of the road that week! Oh, no! All the way there, the tall grass on the sides of the road (& all the pretty wildflowers) were gone. I was frantic. What were we going to do now? Enter mini-miracle. (Don't you love those things??? They aren't necessary, but they sure do make you feel loved and cared for!) My flowers were there! They had not been mowed! The highway department had left about 100 feet of wildflowers standing! YES!

I finally got to have the session I'd been dreaming of and planning for the last month. I love the results. Just what I had in mind. Alexis is always picking me a vase of wildflowers when we go walking. Or clover from the yard when I forget (uh, neglect) to mow. So this session was a perfect way to capture those precious memories and celebrate turning four!

Isn't she precious? Such a little angel!
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