PICNIC & SWIMMING AT THE RIVER: What's better than pb&j? Eating it at the river. Alexis has been working on swimming without her life jacket. She's so happy that she is a "swimmer" now!

GARDENING: Despite the heat & weeds, this has been one of my favorite things to do with the kids this summer. They have LOVED our little garden. Digging potatoes is Alexis' favorite. Ezra just likes to dig and move dirt. The thing that they wanted to grow was watermelon and cantaloupe. Here they are w/ their garden bounty.

STORY TIME AT THE LIBRARY: Ezra is so serious about not dropping his egg.

PLAYING PIRATES: The kids had company over and decided to be pirates. ARGGGGG! They spent all day building this prison and capturing the dog. Moose was a great sport, but by the end of the day, he was too tired to walk.

BOO-BOOS: Ok, so this one wasn't very fun. Ezra fell getting out of the bathtub (the real one, not the sink) and cracked his chin open. But we all enjoyed the get-better ice cream afterwards. :)

4-YEAR OLD PEDIS: It took 21 bottles of nail polish for this spiffy job.

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