Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Alpena Senior Night

We also got to photograph Alpena's senior night. Congratulations to all the Leopards for a job well done. To view more photographs from either ball games, please visit the PROOFING section of our website.

Hope everyone is warm and safe during this ice/snow storm. Thankfully, we've had electricity for all but a few hours. I am working hard to get caught up.

Coming soon . . . . Paige's senior session. Stay posted.

Alpena vs. Timbo

Lately, we attended a couple of Alpena basketball games as part of our Ultimate Senior Event Package (where we not only take senior photographs but attend several events and graduation so that you have a complete collection of the senior year). This ball game was Alpena vs. Timbo at North Arkansas College.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We're Still Here

Wow! I can't believe it's been almost two months since I posted anything. Shame on me. Life has been very hectic for us lately. I promise some new stuff will get posted soon. Plus some exciting new changes from Jamison Foster Photography.

Until then, we'd love to hear from you.

What you you like to see Jamison Foster Photography offer in 2009?

I can't wait to hear your suggestions.